In this picture is Elvira. She is holding her grandchild and her daughter Angelica is in blue. Erin and I were invited to dinner last Wednesday while Erin's friend Megan visited. There house in located in the middle of town, just up the hill from us. Elvira sings in the church and is very active in church leadership. We found out that she moved to La Mision twenty years ago and said that when she moved here, there was nothing. No electricity, no water. Since then, the town has developed into more of a community for her.
The town is truly developing right before our eyes. The houses just to the east of us are just getting water. Of course, the water won't be dependable, much like how we lost ours last night again until this morning.
We continue to see people move into this community to find a life. They get a spot of land and set up camp and try to make any progress they can, whenever they can. Sometimes I find it very humbling to realize what that would be like. My grandfather came from Sweden to do the very same thing in Minnesota. But my life was very removed from that as I grew up. All of my opporunities were just given to me and that was my world. Now, as I live in a country that is still developing, I get a view of a bigger picture of the world.