1. Last week, I was asked to go out and help move some 20 foot 4x10 pieces of lumber off of a truck and while heavy and being sore, I earned some better friendships with the guys.
2. I watched the Mexican league soccer championship with some other guys and built some "cred" with them as well.
3. Getting to know the names of the orphans. Even though there are 109 of them, at the Door of Faith orphanage, I still want to know them all. Plus, reading the Bible is different for me now that I know orphans and the amazing way that this orphanage truly takes care of the orphans.
4. Web site is almost ready to go up so we can communicate better.
5. Even in Mexico, I get good spaghetti. (its a cheap meal and Erin makes it from scratch)
6. Our friends let us use their DVD's of the show 24 and they are addicting. They make me so tense...but watching them is fun.
7. Learning more Spanish. At church last week, Erin and I were just sitting there and the Pastor was introducing the sermon topic, and we looked at each other because we had just been talking about that verse. Then I realized that we both were understanding and thinking in Spanish.
8. Good friendships. After church on Thursday night, our friends asked us when we coming over to their house the next time, and then gave us some cucumbers that they had grown. I don't like cucumbers, but they are really good here. Plus, when someone gives you a gift like that, you can't help but feel loved.
9. Almost through the Bible in a year, even though it has taken me a year and a half.
10. Even though we are short on resources, I have a new sense of dependence on God like I have never had before. Through donations that we don't expect, we keep getting just enough money to make it. It is not a fun feeling, but really, it is the best thing in the world, because money, security and jobs on this Earth will let you down. God won't.
11. And lastly, my wife Erin is the best. We are getting along so well and laughing and loving where we are. I am very lucky.
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