Thursday, August 20, 2009

A new direction

Here I (chad) sit.
I just finished my cup of coffee. The breeze is coming in through the window, smelling like fresh air or burning garbage. Erin is at the clinic downstairs. I am currently soaking pinto beans. Its my first time trying to make them.
I just read through the first half of the book of Acts. I am trying to imagine what it would be like to be there. Everything is new. Jesus just left. The disciples, while Jesus was with them, were always confused, close to faith, but not quite there. Peter walked on water, but then sank when he doubted. And now he was asked to lead the Church.
So they get together. They pray like crazy. They put all of their belongings together. And they start to proclaim boldly what they had seen, and what the Holy Spirit was doing.
So I started thinking. We are down here in La Mision. I would say that I don't know why. Erin and I just heard the voice of God tell us to go, and so we went. Now we are here. We both believe that we are here to spread the message and Gospel of Jesus Christ. But we don't know how. We also believe that we can only do a little, but if we raise up leaders to spread the Gospel, the message could continue to spread further and further.
On my way to football practice, I heard a podcast sermon by Francis Chan. He talked about his dream of a church that consisted of only co-workers. The Church is made up of a lot of people asking for something or trying to be "fed." But we should be more interested in joining as a team to accomplish our common mission. This not only creates a bond between us, but it also enables us to be more effective.
So I started thinking, what if I would assemble a team of people down here who get together and pray like crazy, and listen to the Holy Spirit, and RESPOND...?

I started thinking about the people I know that I would like to invite and I started getting excited. What if we joined together as a team of coworkers and began to boldly respond to the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus left, they didn't have a plan. They didn't have many traditions. They couldn't ask Jesus to explain his parables directly. Instead, they prayed. They responded. They healed. They got arrested. They got killed. They lived fully in the midst of the Holy Spirit and they did things that were new.
It is time for us to begin to build our team of followers. A team that is led by the Holy Spirit. Humbly responding. Working together to encourage, uplift, and seek the newness of what God plans to do in La Mision.

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