Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter in La Mision


This is a scene from the Good Friday service. Although it is dark, you can see how they reenacted the death of Jesus Christ. They had Roman soldiers telling their side of the story, and the family and friends of Jesus crying. It was very powerful.

It is not a happy picture. Jesus took on our sins and submitted to death on a Cross so that we could be free from the punishment of our sins.

And because of this sacrifice for us, there is reason to celebrate. On Sunday morning, at 5am, the church gathered once again to celebrate how Jesus rose from the grave, conquering death, and giving us life. Here in La Mision, we worshipped with special music and a sermon, and then we headed to a park for baptisms.


The pool is located in our valley. It is filled every day with natural hot spring water. Here (above) we see our friend, Moni, becoming baptized. Moni came on our mission trip to Sinaloa anP4040684d found Jesus, and also my friend, Helio. Helio and Moni are now engaged to be married. This is great news! I am very happy to see Helio so happy and so in love.


Helio and Moni                   



After the baptisms, people jumped in the pool and many people cooked some amazing food. People like to go to the hamburger and hot dog line, I chose to stick where Elizabeth was cooking. She made some of her usual good food of carne asada and even bbq’d fish. Mmmmm.P4040543


P4040581 Erin with Laura and Mayra


Chad and DianaP4040693

Erin is laughing here with sisters, Berenice and Miriam 

After we were full, tired, sunburnt, and fully Easterized, Erin and I left for home. We were greeted quickly with a huge earthquake that lasted a long time. Apparently, all the people in the pool had a good time while the earthquake shook…

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