Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I think one of my favorite days as a kid was getting my football equipment. The summer was starting to cool down. We would drive to the registration. I would walk into a room filled with pads and helmets. Lots of parents were around trying to find pads small enough for me. I remember getting those pads and then going home and wearing them around the house. My friend Mark Fisher and I would kick the ball and then go tackle each other to get used to it.
Here in Mexico, was a different story. But still exciting. Last night, the Cuervos (Ravens) got their pads. We had been getting about 20 kids regularly for practice but since pads were getting issued, we got 30. The problem was, we only have 24 helmets (cascos) and shoulder pads. So we lined them up and they went into a classroom where the 24 sets were set out and they came in one by one and grabbed any set they could get. Then we let the players decide who was coming to practice and who wasn't, to determine who should wait for their pads and helmets.
The principal was there, Hector, and he was saying that he was going to get jerseys for the players. We will see if that happens. I got pretty excited about it.
At the end of practice, as I stood in the middle of the circle, my heart was filled with a new emotion. Usually, I am trying to be tough and trying to convince these dudes how cool I am and how smart I am at football. But at that moment, I looked around the circle and saw a tough group of little kids, excited that they get pads, ready to play a new game.
But last night, I realized that I was there for a reason. God has got me in the middle of the lives of these 30 kids.
On my way home, I was thinking about how I have taken the first step. Just showing up to practice makes a difference. Now, I have to put these guys to prayer and let God use me. Sometimes I think by showing up, I am so cool that I can change them. Then, I realize how small I am, and how much I need to be in the middle of this, and constantly be praying to God to do what He does.